yesterday was my package of CCB at me, Jipi.
After I was so taken with the other liners, had the green with this time.
reflet vert or green or gold reflex
Then "natüüürlich" the new eye shadow
Fuchsia Pink Pearl or Pink Mother of Pearl Fuchsia
And I am an avowed fan of the "light" effect eye shadow. Do you see the amazing glow?
Prune Or Rose or Rose Gold Plum
Talasia, but now I've got the red, but this is somehow not "red" enough but so has a pink twist. Swatches are yet. has
The sample from the Rose Kristal but I really liked.
And these three lipstick samples I've got myself.
Lippie The far left should be a kind of color changer. On the top right
plum I was so curious that I would have bought most of Lippie in original. Now in real it looks really purple. Let's see how it comes across on the lips.
And the red lower right could finally be a red for me, not as fussy as my last order with CCB.
I'm going swatches and possibly carrying pictures (when I finally hammer out) to send. What sample you interested for the most?
These were my gifts.
A ... Kosmetikbeutelchen ... or something ... Fabric and eyelashes. Again, I'll try .. The applicator shall provide for a schonmal of strange. Then I was
again in my former master-DM (due to my relocation is not direct on the way) and since they were in the process of rearranging the P2 shelf. In the other DMs wa the new already exists everywhere, but the old P2 things were gone. I've asked the DM ladies, what to shoot at the old things "return" mach ... Since I gave my heart then a jerk and I then but the two missing Universe Eyeshadow taken ..
also another Lippie of Nivea in "Peach" for 95 cents, a new night cream, finally something for "mature" Semese:)
finally mine:)
And then I'm still the Change Lipgloss Lipcolor taken. So sooo wrong is not the only net tastes so great. I will report you.
have a blog sale, I then saw this palette
haaaben UAAAAA, wills, said purchased. This is the range of 01 Kiko Moscow Chic Peach from the Siberian Flowers Le ..
And then I I Nahrungsshoppen today when the country of purchase or the following unimpressive found on the shelf with all the fragrance gift sets.
course, it was allowed to:) But before I can use it, I cut my nails. So if you so "long" nails you like me, first filing is the word:)
Then came the Fashionfee the powder for more volume to
I've ever asked a colleague whether they will also test times. I think it is a perfect candidate, black straight hair and had even powders that were terrible, but she wants to try it anyway .. but first it's my turn * g *
Yes, that's it:)
However, I expect a couple of Ebay and Blog sale packages * g *
your My
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