Soooo, of you want, here the AMU.
Unfortunately, it did not become really good, which brings me RdL Base nor the mind. I think that is again relegated to the Swatch Base and I will finally try to Art Deco. And if I also find it crappy, I will return to the repentant P2 Base ...
No matter what eye shadow, the paperboard as the sow at the base, is blind because quite difficult, especially at the edge of AMU * * grmpf
Well, I hope you still see what you've hoped for.
The pictures of the AMU are inherently high today ne disaster ...
for the AMU I applied the eyeshadow dry. This was an orgy of dust, I tell you .. So apply either wet, or paper towel Unters eye, but that is mostly in baked eyeshadow so common ..
was the black eyeliner Gelline of the essence "Denim wanted" LE.
And here are the Swatch Images:
1) order without base, but Fix MAC + (and in the bronze above, I got the lilac and a bronze caught parallel)
2) dry contract with base
3) dry order without base, left Bronze Swatch: "pure" Bronze, left of it, "Lilac"
4) Order without base, with water on the brush
As you can see, it takes for the Purple definitely a base or a "fix" spray, water is indeed well ok, but the purple one can pick out more:)
I hope I was able to satisfy your curiosity a bit?
It will definitely NOT my last eye shadow in this series ...
your My
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