Good evening my friends
today I was again on the prowl ... Can not even be that expensive at all the other things Nivea 95 cents, or P2 cases are still cheaper. And in essence Woolworth apparently must go.
I must check her own support ..
So from the post.
in DM, they had the new P2 range, uaaaaaa ... same time the tester (if any) begrabbeln.
So these things are new Eyedream class .. I think there will by and by almost all to pull me .. Quality as the Universe eye shadow, but just a page "naggisch a color and the other is marbled wonderful. And for 2,95 €, I find okay to have 2 colors. Will I get an empty eye shadow never eh .. unless he falls down to me ..
The Lippies are nice, these metallic pins there, but they have me too much glitter. I then brought one of the promotional booklet, there is ne sample of one of the new commentary in there .. I'm curious.
from the pallets, Color Fusion, there were none Tester -.-
And then I discover also the essence Bhoom Whoom LE. But knew in advance that it is more for nothing me ...
Nivea was imme rnoch "only" reduced by 50% ... eh have not as much as ...
Then off to Woolworth's. Fact dei essence bar is completely gone oO and things were at the old price in a basket. Sorry, they would have been reduced, certainly one or the other would have been allowed with Quattro to me. But so ... I have time:) Then
were still all the Infinity Woman Metallic Eyeliner reduced to 99 cents .. but then have not taken ..
Oh, and what have I taken? The
P2 Color Fusion 040
Think about Turquoise
P2 Eye Dream
060 Moonlight Glam
Essence Whoom! Bhoom
01 Chacalaca
2003 Muse Marilyn
Essence Multi Dimension
59 Purple Diamonds (yeah, he glared at me yet, and for 95 cents?)
Jaja .... so I'm theoretically keeeeeiiiiinen first reason to go to the drugstore, or? Where
.. I miss the still Catrice Flora Lista ....
--- to be continued ---
Ps if you've read this far, you are allowed to determine which of the P2 stuff I put make-up tomorrow, the duo? Or rather the range? Simply write a short comment ^ ^ then make swatches.
essence is complete next week, then it ...
your My
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