Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good One Month Anniversary Gifts High School

's IP address through proxy server

Basically a proxy server is a computer that is located somewhere on the Internet and is passed on to the desired address. Past, people often use proxy servers to cache pages to make so that transfer volume remained low and was able to surf faster. Today, in fact no longer an issue. Much more interesting is the possibility of deception, of their own surfing behavior and the possibility for a 100MB file hosting more than three hours to download.

why we are dealing here with the anonymous proxies that via a browser be controlled. This variant is imo the most efficient option compared to a Webpoxies or open networks 2. If a one server is too slow, you just take the next one. Proxies are surprisingly quick in the supposedly poorer to find countries (Czech Republic, Hungary ...).

A proxy server does not necessarily anonymous! About some "hops" you just over it. DH, you will only be forwarded and a readout of the IP can still relatively easily lead to the origin. That is why the Main page degree of anonymity (transparent, anonymous, secure anonymous) stated.

a As Web proxies, we call internet sites where one enters a URL and forwarded to the desired page. You often see this rare primarily on advertising by the operator and usually the whole content of the page (no Javascript or other dynamic content).

two examples of this is the gateway or network JAP (often used by oppressed ethnic groups in China, Iran, etc.). These networks are actually a cool thing, but often slow and it is relatively easy to establish that you are in such a network.


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